Today, I'm going to talk about something that is keeping me occupied almost all day. My college's annual cultural fest.
Every year, during the march-april period, almost every engineering college in Bangalore hosts a cultural fest. These fests are a mixture of competitions, stalls, performances and are all about having a good time.
This year, I am one of a lucky group of 24 awesome people who are responsible for making our college fest progress from a dream into a written plan, and then from the plan into the actual event. We discuss ideas, decide who is responsible for making something happen, and then review what progress has been made so far. We also deal with the human factor: dealing with someone who is passionately holding on to an impossible idea, keeping arguments from getting personal, taking decisions when everybody has contradicting opinions and still having fun at the end of the day.
This year, our college's pride rests on 24 shoulders. If we screw up, the consequences will be disastrous. There is a lot at stake, and that is exactly how I like to play. Dream big, work hard and win big!
This fest is going to be a blast! I promise.