Thursday, April 15, 2010

Through a blue lens(1)

I am 6'3". I have a body that shows I've been hitting the gym for 2 hours every day for the past 7 years. I have straight jet black hair that almost always crowns any East Indian. If you've been to one of the higher end bars in Mumbai, you'll probably recognize me as the guy serving the tables closest to the washrooms.

I drive an old Yamaha rx100, I live in a 10x10 rathole in a corner of mumbai that you would not want to enter untill you've had all your shots. I call myself Dheeraj, Dash for short, though thats not my real name.

This is not my real life.

My real job isn't serving tables at a bar.

I don't have to live in a rat hole. I can afford a lot more. I repeat: I can afford a LOT more.

I just don't want to draw attention to myself. Because what I really am, does not go well with the society I live in. What I really do for a living, is illegal in my country.

You see, I'm homosexual and I'm the camera man for a local porn house.

Late at night, after my shift ends, I ride up a lonely road to a farm house hidden away on the outskirts. Here, I assume my real name. My real identity. A couple of desperate ladies wait outside for me. They enter with me. In the next three hours, they strip, they pose, they groan, they moan and they fuck. I capture them on my camera. I leave it in the usual place: the table next to the Mughal flower vase. Editing them, distributing them, finding the girl for the next night and managing our pays are not my job. I'm just the camera man. The photographer.

I see life through the blue lens.


I've been doing this for 5 years now. 5 years of looking through the blue lens can fuck up your thought process. 5 years of looking through a blue lens has fucked up my thought process.


I've got something to tell you. But you're going to have to wait for it. Now is not the time. Keep checking this blog for my return.


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